“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Marianne Williamson on A Course in Miracles

In this six-lesson On Demand Video series, Marianne Williamson continues her discussion of A Course in Miracles, the practical thought system that has facilitated millions of personal transformations across the world. 

Lesson 1: Making Amends Taking a Chance
Tonight Marianne discusses the fact that what was once considered "new age" years ago is now considered a major cultural impulse, but we can not forget the main issue, which is to change the world, for the better.

Lesson 2: Rise to the Occasion
A growing number of people consider themselves "spiritual" but not necessarily "religious". Marianne explains that A course In Miracles uses universal themes that are at the heart of many religions, without being religion centric.

Lesson 3: Passover and Easter
Tonight Marianne explains that the stories of Passover and Easter are more than just metaphors and symbols, but are deep truths that are meant to be applicable in our present day lives. 

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