“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Sunday, November 1, 2015

nterviews from some of the most INCREDIBLE people

Here is a taster of what you can catch up on:

Felicia Slattery

Felicia is a speaker, teacher, and trainer in public speaking and effective communication for marketing and business.

She is the creator of Signature Speech, a system to help people put together a presentation, and the co-creator of Signature Speech Wizard.

In this interview, you will learn:
  • How to give a speech today that will make money for you for years;
  • How to give people a reason to want to work with you right now;
  • How you can network powerfully;
  • How to make a compelling offer to get great conversion rates;
  • How to identify your "upper limit" and move beyond it.

John Weisenberger

John is an author and business coach who works with small businesses to transform an ordinary commoditized business into the "preeminent market leader" so they can attract more customers and make more money.

He helps them find what is unique about their business and helps them create better customer experiences.

In this interview, you will learn:
  • How you can create an emotional reaction for your business that makes you stand out in the crowd;
  • How to use the "red napkin" treatment to create loyal customers;
  • How to take your existing customer base and create more business from it;
  • How to confidently ask for a referral;
  • How you can be more balanced AND more prosperous.

Lisa Bloom

Lisa is a story coach who helps people find and tell their powerful stories well to attract clients effortlessly to their businesses.

She teaches people to use the power of their story to be fully present in what they do.

In this interview, you will learn:
  • How to find the entry point of your personal story;
  • How to create curiosity that makes people want to know more about you;
  • How to uncover the stories that keep you small;
  • How to create stories that empower you...even if they were painful experiences;
  • How to get past the fear of not knowing what's next.

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