“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, January 14, 2016

Agent One-on-One: How to Craft Query Letters

On January 25, you will gain access to a special 60-minute online tutorial presented by
literary agents Kimberley Cameron and Elizabeth Kracht. This tutorial will provide nuts & bolts advice on how to help you streamline your submission materials—including the query letter, novel synopsis, nonfiction book proposal, and first pages.

After listening to the presentation, attendees will spend the next two days revising materials as necessary. Following the tutorial, writers will have two days in which to log onto the discussion boards and ask your assigned agent critiquer questions related to revising your materials. The agents will be available for a discussion session from 4-6 p.m. (ET) on both Tuesday, January 26 and Wednesday, January 27. By end of day (11:59 p.m., ET) on Thursday, January 28, attendees will submit up to 10 double-spaced pages for review to their assigned agents. These pages can include any combination of double-spaced query, synopsis, book proposal, or pages of their manuscript.

For the submission, you will send in the first 10 pages of your double-spaced manuscript and a query letter for review. You are also welcome to send a synopsis, if you want to include it in the first ten pages (ie. 1 page synopsis + first 9 pages of the manuscript). The query letter is separate and does not count as part of the first ten.

The agents will spend three weeks reviewing all assigned pages, provide relevant feedback and offer suggestions to help attendees improve upon them. The agents reserve the right to request more materials if they feel a strong connection to the work and want to read more.

In addition to feedback from agents, attendees will also receive a download of "Everything You Need to Know About Literary Agents," an on-demand webinar by WD editor Chuck Sambuchino.

While we accept requests to work with a specific agent, there are no guarantees that attendees will be matched with their requested agent. NOTE: Kimberley Cameron is not participating in the critique and discussion board portions of this bootcamp. Therefore, students should not request to work with her.


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