“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Balancing Instinctual Drives in Your Soul’s Evolution

Too often, we perpetuate a split between the “higher” and “lower” aspects of our
nature and in this call, Russ will offer you a more unified understanding.  You’ll better understand how instinctual drives that we often think of as “lower” are essential as part of our journey. 

During this virtual workshop, you’ll discover: 

• Why developing each of the instinctual drives is so important to your soul’s evolution

• The gift of the sexual instinct: the passionate, fiery, and unstoppable commitment to drive toward what you want

• The gift of the self-preservation instinct to provide discipline, structure and consistency to your life

• The gift of the social instinct, taking us out of narcissism and into enlightened service

• How to balance these instinctual drives in your spiritual evolution

Russ Hudson is known as one of the most illuminating and wise teachers of the Enneagram.  He draws upon his extensive spiritual studies and practices to show how the Enneagram “connects the dots” between the most primal parts of your psychology - commonly called instinctual drives - and the most esoteric levels of what we traditionally call “the soul.” 

If you’re currently a fan of the Enneagram or a “dabbler,” but want to go to the next level, this groundbreaking exploration will help you open up a deeper and richer understanding of the Enneagram’s blueprint of your personality and soul.

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