“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Truth About Cancer starts TODAY

Despite all the hundreds of billions of dollars spent in the war on cancer, the
overall death rate for cancer has only improved by 5% in the last 60 years. When it comes to prevention and treatment, the dominant medical establishment is failing us miserably.
Breakthrough insights — which could save countless lives — are being largely ignored if they can’t be patented or don’t fit into the conventional medical model.
I got to preview The Truth About Cancer series, and in case you’re interested, here’s my take.
I found it to be powerful, provocative, and informative.
The series explores the history and the reality of cancer treatment and prevention and exposes some disturbing truths. You’re going to find out how the cancer establishment has squelched alternatives and ignored natural options, often simply because they couldn’t be patented.
In the process, the filmmakers share some shocking and controversial perspectives on the dominant cancer establishment’s history and motives.
I want to be candid with you that I had a few concerns while watching the series. One concern I had was that in its attention to the considerable shortcomings of chemotherapy, the series doesn’t give much attention to the fact that there are some cancers, such as acute Iymphocytic leukemia and Hodgkin's disease, where chemotherapy can really help.
Also, when I watched this series, I was concerned that it might at times paint conventional oncologists and doctors with too broad a brush. You may or may not agree with me, but I think that most doctors and oncologists fundamentally want to support their patients’ health.
It’s true that some are deeply misguided, that most know absolutely nothing about nutrition, and as you will see in the series, many of them are embedded in a system that has become deeply corrupt. But I’d like to think that most of them, most of the time, want to do the right thing. I’m sure that the film’s producers would agree with me about this, but I’m not sure it’s always what comes across.
One of the shocking things that you’ll learn in the series is that some of the companies currently offering chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer had egregious ties to a concentration camp in Nazi Germany. This was established in the Nuremberg trials. However, at times the series makes a stronger correlation between conventional cancer treatments offered today and Hitler’s Germany than I feel comfortable with.
The history is important, and it’s true that chemotherapy has some roots in a dark past and can sometimes be brutal and ineffective. But what I’m most interested in, personally, is learning about treatments that really work, whether they’re offered by the cancer establishment or by alternative practitioners.
And that, ultimately, is also what I love about this series. Most of it focuses on solutions, and many of them are cutting-edge. They aren’t all proven, and in a way, that’s the point — because the medical establishment often only tests and proves what can be patented.
But when you watch, you will discover doctors, insights, and ideas that could make all the difference for many lives. Perhaps even yours.
I’m also glad to say that in addition to conveying critically important information, I found this series to be gripping, moving, and entertaining.
If you have an interest in preventing or beating cancer, and if you want to find out about innovative breakthrough solutions that offer hope to humanity, I encourage you to watch this free series while you can.
You’ll learn a lot — and much of what you’ll learn isn’t readily available anywhere else.

Yours for leading-edge health information,
Ocean Robbins


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