“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, August 9, 2019

The Fastest (and Surest) Path to Financial Success as a Writer

This is shaping up to be the biggest and most exciting three hours ever for AWAI and
our members.
Turns out, even we underestimated the huge demand for a tight, fast-paced concise learning event that could deliver core copywriting skills in just a few hours.
And now, curtain time is near.
Over the past several weeks, Rebecca and I have been pulling together all the most powerful copywriting secrets you need to know to start writing million-dollar sales letters…
And packing them all into our “three-hours-over-two-days” ultimate copywriting learning event.
This is going to be an incredible event… with the potential to launch many thousands more successful and lucrative copywriting careers…
The only thing that troubles us is…
We’ve yet to hear from you!
Now, if you’re 100% certain you never want to learn the powerful writing skills that can help you in all walks of life — even if you decide not to become a copywriter…
Then I can understand why you didn’t sign up for this event.
But because you’re one of our readers…
Because you still look at the articles we publish for aspiring writers…
Something tells us there’s a part of you that really wants this…
A part that would really like to make very good money writing about fun and interesting things… whenever you want, from wherever you want — and gain a level of freedom and financial independence very few people in the world ever have.
You want all this, but perhaps you don’t have the time (or money) right now to jump in with both feet.
Well, that’s why we created this event.
It’s specifically for people ready to take a “smaller” step — yet learn everything they need to know to start writing persuasive letters immediately! 
But like I said…
We’re mere days away from our first of two 90-minute online events…
Which is why it’s best you sign up today.

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