“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

30 Days of Quantum Success with Christy Whitman

Your life, circumstances, situation, experiences are all the out-picturing of the
consciousness within you.
And any place that you are not in all-sufficiency or satisfaction in any area of your life, is the indication where you are resisting the Divine Presence within you.
And is also evidence on not being aligned with your Divine Codes.
All of creation-the infinite universes and all that is visible and invisible-is energy in motion.
The Divine is pure Cosmic Energy, and this spiritual substance is individualized as you.
Each one of us is an energy field pulsating to a divine vibration.
This is our Life Force-the pure Energy of Divine-and as this Energy lowers its rate of vibration, physical form takes place, manifesting clients, money, experiences, and even places to live.
Lack, limitation or struggle do not exist in the Divine Mind.
Therefore, as the pure Energy of Divine Mind expresses as the life principle and forms the creative energy through you according to your divine plan, the visible manifestation must also be perfect.
Since you were created out of LOVE, you must be LOVED as you are right now.
So how do we explain struggles in our relationships with our parents, lovers, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or any other person we relate with in our lives?
Since we are the individualization of Divine Mind, our thoughts are also creative.
We have free will and freedom to create conditions and experiences in our lives according to the thoughts we think and accept as true.
We create our own drama, struggles, pain and resistance by objectifying fear, hate, worry or other mental-emotional disturbances.
But the good news is that the perfect and Divine design can also be restored to our normal state of perfection through the right use of our minds, and of course our energy.
This month’s 30 days of Quantum Success Meditations is dedicated to connecting with your Divine Codes and helping you KNOW YOUR DIVINE BIRTHRIGHT and YOUR DIVINE INHERITANCE that is already within you.
Imagine what your life will look and more importantly feel like after you dedicate and intend for this connection in with each of your Divine Codes.
By joining me, and taking that action, you are saying yes to this Divine connection for yourself now and in the future.

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