“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, June 12, 2020

The Healing Room sessions on Wealth Consciousness

Session One:

Examining wealth from an energy level. Discover and Discuss your True Nature and
Essence of Abundance. We will discover and illuminate the energy of poverty consciousness, lack and limitation, and where it came from so that we are able to include that into the oneness and move into where we are truly from.

Session Two:

Imprints and Reprints. We will energetically bring up and touch upon the limited imprints and examine them to we can work with reprinting with our True Nature of Abundance. This will be an interactive session, and together create a pact to move forward in a commitment of the wealth vibration as a lifestyle. You will also receive your own Wealth Agreement.

Session Three:

Going deeper into the personal patterns and false beliefs of money. Align the split energy, healing the Mom and Dad or caregiver energy from the individual. Releasing the mass consciousness and common ideas and beliefs around money, such as “I can’t do what I love and make money at it.” or “Making money is not spiritual.” or “I can only make a certain amount of money.”

Session Four:

Examine and shift from the perspective of Work to Service. The difference in having the time and money freedom to do what you love versus having to work hard and struggle and not having the time, energy or health to enjoy it. Opening up to service and connecting with the Bank in The Sky for limitless Divine Supply.

Session Five:

This session will be a calibration of the images we put into the holograph and make sure all parts of the subconscious, which is the physical body are in agreement. Align all the images to be clear, accurate and in agreement.

Session Six:

How shifting in Wealth Consciousness affects our relationships, partnerships and collaborations with others. Learning how to stay neutral when others are not in that level of awareness, understanding and knowledge.

Session Seven:

Moving fully out of survival consciousness into thriving consciousness. The energy of give and receive and moving into the light of philanthropy.

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