“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Monday, November 2, 2015

The Top 10 Mistakes in Starting an Online Business

  • Cesspool: an underground container for the temporary storage of liquid waste and sewage. Do you smell something? It might be your self doubt.
  • “Validation”
  • “How bad can it get?”
  • “I really really hate this topic. {Indiscriminate yelling.}” ~ Barrett
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Sometimes we lose faith, or, rather, forget the point.
  • Self awareness = knowing what you’re working towards beyond the trophy that others may be playing for. This keeps you from comparison.
  • Refocus on your own metrics. Set a goal to improve something. The metric you choose matters.
  • Refocus on your core audience. Hear what they’re struggling with and let it remind you of why you started this in the first place.
  • Play… have grace on yourself, backup, remind yourself why you like to be alive (if you do).
  • There’s a lot more in the episode, these are just a few of the bits I wanted to pull out.

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