“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Monday, January 18, 2016

VIDEO #3: Book Marketing 101

This is training video 3 of 4, and it gets really exciting because you’ll learn the nuts and bolts
to turn your book into a bestseller:

* 4 book launch screw-ups most authors make (and how to avoid them)
* A counterintuitive (and free) approach to win people over and build buzz for your book
* 3 unconventional ways your book can boost your business, generate passive income, and bring clients to you
* Amazon’s “Rule of 3” secret to maximize sales
* The EXACT 3-step blueprint that’s launched my students’ bestselling books in dozens of industries and niches -- it works even if you don’t have a list or audience, or don’t know if anyone will read your book

You’ll even learn about the powerful software that helps your book hit the bestseller list in its category. (It does dozens of hours of research for you in under 5 minutes.)

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