“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Total Wellbeing Workshop

Living with low energy and decreased vitality is a condition world-renowned expert on
mind-body science, Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP, attributes to “physical and emotional toxic overload,” an all-too-common result of our modern lifestyle.
Fortunately, our bodies have an excellent, built-in system in place to handle those toxins. Our natural detoxification process continuously breaks down and helps to eliminate these toxins. We also have natural mechanisms in our psyche to transform negative emotions into healthier ones.
But over time, those systems become overloaded. They need a break (a “spring cleaning”) to restore them to their natural, optimal state—and make us feel lighter, more energized, and vital.
To help you eliminate harmful toxins and reset your body, mind, and spirit for optimal wellbeing Deepak is inviting you (at no charge!) to The Total Wellbeing Workshop: A Whole-Soul Approach to Wellness That Works, an all-new, world-premiere Chopra Center online event featuring Deepak and the Chopra Center’s medical director and world-recognized expert in integrative medicine, Dr. Sheila Patel.

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