“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Flip It! Are You Trading Your Success For Safety?

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to stay safe. The problem comes in when wanting to
stay safe starts to interfere with your dreams.
I started this conversation on this episode of Flip It! called “A Simple Marketing Exercise That Could Transform Your Business.” There, I talk about committing to consistently taking action on one marketing tactic for a year and see what demons and triggers come up for you.
Chances are, your head will be full of excuses about why you can’t possibly do that, plus your fear-based emotions will likely raise their ugly heads so you’ll feel like absolute crap.
And, if that wasn’t enough, you may find other things happening to sabotage you, such as family dramas suddenly increasing or maybe you end up sick or so overwhelmed and stressed you’re not able to get much done.
The reason why all of that happens is because your brain, both your ego and your subconscious, are trying to keep you safe.
Not happy. Safe.
You see, if you are taking frequent and consistent marketing action, I don’t care what marketing action that is, but if that’s what you’re doing, something will change.
It could be a huge change. Or it could be something smaller.
But, your business and life WILL shift.
And, change can mean danger.
Right now, you’re safe. Relatively speaking. Clearly, something could happen that’s out of the blue and completely unexpected, but barring that, you’re safe.
And, if you stay in your comfort zone, you will likely stay relatively safe.
Your ego and subconscious have done their job.
But, just because you’re safe, doesn’t mean you’re happy. It also doesn’t mean you’re successful.
So, if you want to become more successful than you are right now, you have to get outside your comfort zone. You have to do things differently.
You have to take risks.
And, you’re likely going to feel awful while it’s happening. Your inner critic is going to criticize you and all sorts of uncomfortable emotions such as fear, anger, resentment, guilt, shame and even grief, will be triggered.
Your job is to both feel your emotions and not listen to your inner critic.
And, keep moving forward.
Because, if you stop, you’re choosing safety. That’s what your ego and your subconscious want. They want you to stop so you stay safe.
They’re not trying to make you feel bad because they’re being mean or they’re evil or something. They’re doing it because they have your best interests in mind. They want you to be safe! What more could you possibly want?

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