“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Big Leap Year Experience with Gay Hendricks and Mike Koenigs

Fear originally came from a physical threat but since there are no more saber

toothed tigers running around, most of the things we fear are of our own manufacture. We fear rejection and that energy goes into our body as if it were already true.

One of the key things is to find a new way of being with your fear, so that you no longer fear your fear. In other words, you welcome the fear as a set of information that's trying to flow in rather than something you need to pretend isn't there or get rid of. The energy of fear is also the energy of creativity in potential so if you can welcome your fear rather than try to shut it out, it gives you key information about what needs to happen to move you to the next level.

What keeps people stuck is repeating the same old patterns. If fear comes up and they don't have a tactic for getting through the fear, it keeps repeating and pushing the same old doubts to the surface. 

Gay uses the acronym FACT to help people get out of the “fear trap.” 

  • F is for facing whatever the fear is. You need to be willing to face it in your mind as well as in your body.
  • A is for accepting something as it is before we can begin to change it. Accept something to the point of even being able to love it as it is because love is the direct antidote to fear. The more awareness and love you can bring to anything you're scared about, the more it dematerializes, and turns into the energy of excitement.
  • C is for choosing. It's hard to make a choice when you're scared so if you can unhook the energy of fear you’ll make better decisions.
  • T is for taking action. This one is self-explanatory.

What we're really talking about is being in a state of alignment with ourselves, where our mind and heart are lined up. Where we’re lined up with our chosen purpose and our highest intentions.

Coming into a state of alignment, overcoming and breathing into and being with the fears that are behind all of those upper limits is the most direct thing you can do at any given moment in order to break through to that place where you're being guided with the pure flow of your creative intentions.


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