“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Sunday, May 1, 2016

How To Know When You’re Ready

Are you “getting ready to get ready to get started”? How will you know when you’re finally
ready to take action? Here are your answers…
But how do you know when that time has come… when you’re ready to take that giant step forward? Just keep these eight thoughts in mind…
1. Procrastination is a killer. A telltale sign is putting too much effort into getting ready to get ready. Everything has to be just so… even perfect.
2. No one can ever be that ready. Entrepreneurs at the highest level have never waited to be ready. They simply made a decision to move forward because that’s what’s always required.
3. People procrastinate in the hope that their confidence level will increase the more they get ready. But confidence comes after you make the decision, move forward, and enjoy some success. So waiting for confidence means you’ll never be ready.
4. If you’re asking, “Am I ready?” 99% of the time, you are ready.
5. Making a commitment takes courage. And yes, that word can make you feel a little uncomfortable. But stepping out of your comfort zone is the price every entrepreneur has paid for their future success. So you won’t be the first to do this.
6. Everything is “figureoutable.” If you have a vision of where you want to go, and muster up the required courage, you can figure out how to make your commitment stick.
7. Share your commitment with your target audience. What a great incentive to move forward. And be sure to share your commitment with someone who you know will be supportive of your decision.

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