“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Saturday, June 8, 2019

Healing Your Immune System and The Miracle of the Microbiome

This episode is important because it uncovers how our bodies really fight off toxins and
germs. In the past, science focused on things like white blood cells and antibodies. These are important, but it turns out we’ve been missing a HUUUUUGE piece of the immunity puzzle for decades.
Make sure to check it out!
(You’ll see that many are leaving comments below the episode videos with kind words of excitement - we would love to hear from you too!)
Ok, what do we have in store for you in tonight’s episode?
Episode 4 is all about herbs for enhanced BRAIN HEALTH. 
We’ll be exploring a number of green medicines that are extremely effective for the cognitive challenges that many of us struggle with, like foggy headedness, poor memory, lack of clarity and focus, ADHD and feelings of being scattered. 
We’ll also be going into borderline miraculous herbs for the more serious brain ailments like MS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease.
PLUS, you will hear amazing healing stories from real people who overcame all odds and reversed severe conditions like MS and others. Very powerful stuff…

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