“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, December 7, 2018

The Power Column: The Bedrock of Penta

Penta is an extraordinary instrument in our lives.
We are all born into Pentas, and we live most of our lives in them. When we leave the original (family) Penta we’re born into, and enter into the world and the dynamics of employment, we tend to end up in other Pentas. And we tend to bond and create our own Pentas. In other words, we are constantly morphing into the components of a trans-auric form that in so many ways determines our way of life itself.
In Human Design, there is extraordinary depth of study related to how Penta operates in terms of its practical application to family analysis; it is after all the bedrock of family analysis practice.
The basic design of Penta involves the six channels that are in the Power Column between the Sacral and the Throat Center. This power column is an instrument of how we are going to operate, and what our direction in this life is going to be. It is also the very aspect of our genetic design that locks us into something transpersonal, something that is going to greatly impact how we operate in so many ways. In other words, this Power Column is a key to our continuity in the expansion of our species.
More than that, it represents the deepest material aspect of our nature, even though in terms of basic analysis of the BodyGraph our material nature is mostly found within the tribal context. Here we have something larger, we have a mechanism within us, within the Power Column, that aligns us to a form of materialism beyond the individual.
So, the Power Column is much more than just an interesting aspect in the mechanics of a human BodyGraph. It is a key. It is, in essence, the very vortex of what draws all of us into the complexity of what it is to operate as a species on this plane. And why genetics and heredity and blood lineage and gene pools are things that have always been of enormous importance to humanity. It is built into us through the Power Column that lies within each of us.


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