“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, December 26, 2019

Level 1 Experiential Kabbalah

Kabbalah is a system of metaphysical teachings that helps one understand Self,
the Divine, and how Everything works. It centers on the glyph of the Tree of Life, which is a map that can help us remember who we are. The Tree of Life is a simplified, systematic blueprint of the All That Is, and its study can guide us to a greater mastery of the pattern of creation by ordering our mind and our perceptions, making everything easier.
With a view towards making the information more accessible, the year long course starts by looking at the sephirot, 10 bite-sized pieces of the Tree, beginning with the most familiar energies, and gradually working up to more esoteric information. Every month, we work with a new aspect of the information. You will immediately experience the energies working in your life; doing this with a cohort/class enables you to see the patterns more clearly, as you and your classmates talk about the changes and highlights in your lives. We will be looking at correspondences, doing rituals, and working through our personal, individual blocks. Each student is asked to create goals for themselves at the beginning of the series so that they can measure their progress.
     Resources available to students include access to a private online community, digital (printable) handouts, class recordings, discounted one-on-one healing sessions, and periodic group coaching webinars, and there will be opportunity to delve further into the material for those who so choose.
     There are 12 monthly classes, which cover the 10 Sephirot, plus the place of Hidden Knowledge and a retreat-style class in September, designed to support the greatest level of transformation.
INSTRUCTOR: Ayamanatara

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