“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Monday, July 6, 2020

Envision, Plan & Achieve Your Extraordinary Life With Lifebook Online

Female Student with Laptop

What You'll Learn

  1. A Beautiful, Crystal-Clear Vision of Your Life
    Discover your strengths and weaknesses in the 12 dimensions of your life, set your goals and objectives for each one, and harmonize everything into a unified life vision that inspires and propels you forward.
  2. How to Design a Truly Authentic Life
    Break free from the rules and expectations imposed on you by others - and achieve a beautiful alignment with the person you want to be, and the life you want to live.
  3. How to Develop Unbreakable Resilience
    Harness your clarity of purpose and personal power to rise above your obstacles - and even reinvent yourself in the face of challenging circumstances and transitions like divorce, career changes, health issues, and spiritual crises.
  4. Strengthen Your Growth Mindset
    Use your Lifebook as a system that unifies all your personal growth tools and learnings into one action plan for each of your 12 dimensions of life: allowing you to live in a rhythm of perpetual growth and self-evolution.
  5. Achieve Work-Life Balance
    Never again feel forced to sacrifice one form of success for another, or neglect your career growth, family, or passions. Instead, design a life where every dimension of your being grows in harmony with the other.
  6. Get More Done In Less Time
    Overcome habits, emotions, and patterns that disrupt your productivity. Use your Lifebook to stay aligned with your north star, and no longer waste time on tasks that don’t bring you closer to your Life Vision.
  7. Discover & Honor Your Passions
    Break free from work, relationships, and lifestyle choices that don’t bring you joy. Develop the clarity and courage to take the leap and follow your passions, spend time on what you love, and even reinvent yourself.
  8. Accelerate Your Goal Achievement
    Go far beyond traditional goal setting methods, by creating a unified Life Vision that keeps you motivated and constantly rising up to your goals. You’ll even use tools like the Lifebook Assessment to measure your progress, and stay focused on the dimensions of life most important to your growth.Lifebook Online in multiple devices

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