“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Saturday, March 12, 2016

A Step-by-Step Program to Change Your Brain and Transform Your Life

The first step in Neurosculpting is to change the way you deal with stress.
You'll learn why the brain instinctively responds to everyday stress as a physical threat—and how you can "rewrite the script" that your nervous system follows when stressful situations arise. From there, Lisa offers guided meditations and practical strategies to help you improve your physical and emotional health, discover calm and joy, clear self-limiting beliefs, increase your creative flexibility, and connect to others.
Through her groundbreaking work with first-responders, Lisa Wimberger has discovered which practices have the greatest success for creating positive change at the neurological level. Rich with scientific research and proven techniques, Neurosculpting is a complete course for becoming an active agent in your own healing and transformation.

  • The science of the brain—how modern research informs every practice in the Neurosculpting process
  • Fight, flight, and freeze—our survival response and how to keep it from taking over our lives
  • Exercises to stimulate new connections between your right and left brain
  • Everyday habits you can change to teach your brain to be more flexible and creative
  • Nutritional guidance for promoting a natural and awake state of mind
  • Body tapping—simple physical stimulation to reinforce changes and access inner resources
  • Guided practices for locating and clearing out toxic beliefs and behavior patterns—then replacing them with healthy ones
  • Relational Neurosculpting—protecting yourself from "contagious" emotions, enhancing empathy, and cultivating authentic connection
  • More than five hours of guided meditations, innovative daily exercises, and scientific insight from expert teacher Lisa Wimberger

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