“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Monday, June 6, 2016

Personal Operating System

Personal Operating System is going to deliver methods and procedures I use everyday to
create autonomy for myself and manage my time—including samples of my schedule, client contracts, consulting questions, and speaking agreements.
You’ll get five (5) DVDs, eight (8) CDs, and six (6) Modules of the entire presentation along with informational resources throughout.   This is like pulling a Mack truck to the back of my brain and pulling out every single “blueprint” I use,every single day in my business, that you can install in your own business…and life!
You see, this Operating System was revealed in front of only 114 people at one of my mid-year events in Cleveland where people paid up to $3997 to attend the entire weekend.  That means you can potentially get the same material and implement it into your business…as if you were there at the event, including:
  • How I create autonomy for myself so I can out-earn most other copywriters and business consultants and work from my basement.
  • How I get more done in less time (most time management “gurus” will get royally TICKED off at this).
  • How I think—which is the “bread and butter” of how I discover opportunities to be exploited.
  • Threats to quality thinking that could derail the amount you achieve and success you attract.
  • What I read to stay current and have enough “fodder” to create newsletters every month (I never suffer from “writer’s block”).
  • How I pick input and allocate time and attention (chance are you’re not putting this amount of time into these 5 critical categories).
  • My wealth building and negotiation systems I’ve gleaned over 41+ years in business you can “swipe and deploy” for your own.
  • …and a whole LOT more!

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