“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Sunday, August 2, 2015


In Ayurvedic terms if we don’t create space and allow sufficient time, we wind up with
an imbalance from this undigested material, which is also known as ama. Ama blocks the flow of consciousness and blocks our experience of connectivity. This leads to an inefficiency in the universe of us. We down level our potential or experience of awakened living,  balance and optimal health.
None of us wants that, so the question is, do we have a Spiritual Oasis available when we need it? Have we created an oasis where we can process; within a resonant community?  Have we also created an oasis at home? Have we created it wherever we are and do we allow time and space to process? It’s not necessary to set aside huge chunks of time, it might only be 2 mins a day. It doesn’t have to become dogmatic. What is important is creating that space and the habit of occupying it, so that when the shit hits the fan we have the skills to allow the processing. We have created our community.
Show Highlights
  • “Do we have a place to turn that’s fully resonant, that’s really allows us to show up with whatever is going on?” 3:55
  • “There needs to be time and space and fire for the digestion of our experiences” 4:30
  • “If you don’t create the space and allow the time it will lead to an imbalance, it will lead to a disease.” 5:10
  • “Ama is undigested stuff that arises within the field of consciousness. Undigested stuff is toxic. It’s not horrible, scary, icky, although it might seem like that. It’s more that it blocks the flow of consciousness. It blocks the experience of inner connectivity. 5:27

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