“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Saturday, October 6, 2018


In this responsibly presented, fast-paced, highly visual and experiential program,
New York Times best-selling author, scientist and visionary Gregg Braden goes beyond the mainstream thinking to reveal the discoveries that have reversed a century of thinking when it comes to us, our limits and capabilities. Join Gregg in this extended program based upon material from his new series of un-published books, combined with time-tested strategies from ancient, mystical, and indigenous traditions, as he shares the keys for thriving in life’s extremes.
Highlights of This Program Include:
  • Access to the sacred beauty of New Mexico’s high desert – the Santa Ana pueblo – where we will be staying!
  • A special segment dedicated to learning the techniques, and experiencing the proven benefits, of heart-brain harmonization. These techniques are confirmed to be effective by modern science, and parallel those used in practices preserved in ancient and indigenous traditions.
  • A special segment dedicated to identifying the 7 ancient mirrors of relationship, what they mean when they appear, recognizing how they play out in your life, and how each mirror can become a powerful form of mastery! (Note: due to the program content and emotional processing time required, Gregg has not offered the deeply transformative work of the “7 Essene mirrors of relationship” in public programs since he originally wrote about them over 20 years ago.)
  • New! A special segment dedicated to the latest discoveries regarding the chemistry of emotion, and the specific organs where the chemistry of unresolved emotions are stored (these are different for men and women) and how to free the emotional chemicals that can lead to illness and disease.
  • New! Professionally-facilitated and deeply experiential sessions using key breathing techniques to free the chemicals of unresolved emotion throughout the body. These sessions will be led by Christian Minson and his team of facilitators supervised by Gregg Braden. These sessions are currently offered only at Gregg’s extended New Mexico retreats and nowhere else in the world! (See photos from past retreat here)
  • A special segment dedicated to new discoveries, techniques and protocols for DNA longevity!
  • Gregg’s unpublished research (including archaeological evidence) that overturns 150 years of mainstream thinking when it comes to human origins and the extraordinary implications in our lives!
  • Multiple opportunities over four days to learn, develop and fine-tune your skills of heart intelligence!
  • Discovering the 5 false assumptions of science that our society is based upon, why they’re changing our lives today, and how to use the new discoveries to your advantage!
  • Discovering the 80-year-old mystery that has divided the scientific community when it comes to the heart, the recent discovery that re-ignited the controversy, and what it means for you today!
  • Learning to discern between your thinking mind and your heart’s intelligence as it reveals decisive answers to your life’s most difficult decisions, and how to trust what you learn!
  • Much, much more!


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