“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, June 28, 2019


It’s time to tackle the last topic in our gut health mini-series!

We’ve been examining the link between common health challenges and the gut to see if the nutrition research supports a connection or not.
And we saved one of the most popular questions for last…
How does gut health impact autoimmune disease?
Similar to the gut-mind connection, there’s actually a biological reason for the link between your gut and immune system.
Nearly 70% of your immune system lives inside of your gut!
And the trillions of bacteria in your gut microbiome are communicating with your immune system all the time.
It’s no wonder then that disruption in your microbiome balance has been linked with autoimmune diseases.
Studies show that patients with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, type 1 diabetes, and other inflammatory conditions have a markedly different variety and balance of gut bacteria.
Research suggests these conditions aren’t caused by a single bacteria but by larger shifts in the full microbiome.
What does this all mean exactly? The bad news is that simply taking a probiotic isn’t likely to solve autoimmune disease.
The good news is that there are many factors within your control that affect microbial balance (eating a plant-based diet is a big one). These gut-repairing protocols typically lead to a decrease in autoimmune symptoms!
You can learn more about them in the free docuseries, The Gut Solution.
This docuseries features interviews with 40 top experts and doctors, including advanced strategies and home remedies you can use to restore your gut and your health.
Check out the trailer to learn more and register to watch!

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