“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Sunday, June 2, 2019

Transformation Week Starts Now

For the next 7 days, Denise and I are running Transformation Week and releasing an entire
course for you - at no cost. It's only up for 7 days - after that you'll have to buy it. So attend now and enjoy it free. Just our thanks for being with us on our own transformational journey these last few months.
If you participated, you saw that Denise and I were hustling to put it all together on the fly as we moved our entire lives from Portland to Puerto Rico. We were going through a major transformation ourselves.

As we filmed Transformation Week for you last time, we didn't have a studio. We didn't have a permanent place to live yet. We struggled to go live every day as we were moving.

We had just one camera, one light, a background curtain, and a lot of hope and faith as we started our new life, new year, and new brand together. It was intense to say the least!

And yet... tens of thousands of people participated and LOVED the experience. We were so overwhelmed at the reception that we decided to do it again someday.

So you can imagine how excited we are to open Transformation Week again. It's all new training and tools.

Denise and I both share our perspectives and habits on how to change your life, find greater happiness, increase confidence, and get more done with greater joy and meaning.

Here's what you'll be learning:

Day 1: Get more clear (and confident!) about your future. Discover the habits that help you succeed faster and maintain well-being over the long-term.

Day 2: Revitalize your mental, emotional and physical energy so that you can be more focused and positive every day.

Day 3: Activate "psychological necessity" to feel more motivated and on your A-game.

Day 4: Master the proven productivity strategies that make you 30% more productive (and happy!). 

Day 5: Develop more influence with those you love and lead so that you can make your difference and get others to believe in you, support you, invest in you, and follow your lead.

Day 6: Overcome your fears and learn how to unlock daily courage so that you achieve your dreams faster and inspire others along the way.
Day 7: Discover how to stay disciplined, committed and resilient as you continue transforming your life this year. 

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