“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, August 8, 2019

the Global Cancer Symposium

While we all hope our families and ourselves never experience the challenge of cancer, the unfortunate fact is that nearly everyone around the world is affected by cancer in one way or another, and if we don’t change our lifestyles and behaviors, it will only continue to get worse. 

And to add fuel to the fire, chemotherapy only has about a 2.1% average effective rate as shown by the Northern Sydney Cancer Centre published in PubMed, and radiation and surgery, while necessary in certain circumstances, often leave the cancer patients worse off then when they started treatment.

But the good news is that cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence. There are breakthrough scientific studies and countless firsthand stories of thousands of people reversing cancer using natural and integrative methods -- without the effects of toxic treatments -- and who live many years past their prognosis, often entering into a new life of health, healing and possibility. 

And during the Global Cancer Symposium, you'll hear the latest research and evidence-based approaches to preventing and reversing cancer using natural methods.

You'll also learn the important steps you and your family should be taking everyday to reduce your risk of cancer, and to support your healing journey. 

Whether you or a loved one has cancer, or you’re simply looking for natural and holistic solutions to lead a healthier life and reduce your risk of getting a cancer diagnosis, I encourage you to attend this online event.

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