“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Sunday, January 19, 2020

A 2-minute technique to make 2020 your greatest year yet

  • Embrace the Concept of ‘The Beautiful Destruction’ and start using life’s biggest challenges as a springboard to propel you towards an even greater version of your soul’s calling.
  • The Mysterious Balance between Acceleration vs Navigation: Learn why hitting the pause button is just as crucial to your success as diligently striving for your goals.
  • Why the ‘Law of Attraction’ Rarely Works as Intended – instead, discover a superior, new ‘Law’ that explains why we don’t actually attract the things we think about.
  • Install any of these 7 life-changing identities and experience shifts in everything from your relationships, your creativity, or even your ability to influence the world around you.
  • The surprisingly simple technique to trick your brain into implanting any empowering belief you desire… making any change you want in your life to come effortlessly and without pain.
  • The Identity Shift Meditation: an immersive session guided by Vishen Lakhiani designed to help you adopt the 7 most impactful identify shifts for an extraordinary life.
  • And so much more…

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