“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, July 16, 2021

FREE screening of Superpower: The Docuseries

Intuition is defined in the dictionary as, the power or faculty of attaining direct

knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought or inference.

Some scientific descriptions of intuition define it as, the ability of the subconscious mind to analyze a collection of memories and experiences which deliver into our awareness an almost instant emotion or feeling about a circumstance.

I think intuition also accesses a deep inner wisdom, some might say it's even divine insight. What I know is that in my own experience listening to my "gut feeling" is more often reliable than over analyzing a lot of information.

Fortunately I listened to my intuitive feeling that I could heal from a so-called incurable disease.

That choice completely changed my life for the better.

Science is now confirming that there is incredible science behind our intuition.

Having a greater understanding of it and learning the artform of how to listen to it, can transform who we are and allow us to maximize our potential.

If you want a fascinating, inspiring and entertaining journey into the latest on intuition you have to check out this FREE screening of Superpower: The Docuseries.

Superpower is filled with scientists, doctors and researchers who have been studying consciousness for decades.

This is pure inspiration for our untapped potential.

Superpower is a high quality cinematic production that reveals the incredible science behind our intuitive power and how we can apply this knowledge in our lives.

I truly believe discovering the science behind our consciousness and the power we hold within, is our greatest potential and our most powerful healer.

This series will open your heart and mind to a new way of listening to your own truth.

Reclaim your innate ability.


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