“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, May 24, 2019

Reiki Healing Summit 2019

You have the ability to access your Inner Light and expand it as the omnipotent source of
healing, transformation, and unity. This is the solution for every challenging situation we are facing in our life right now ‐ an illness, the death of a dear one, an exhausting job, the end of a relationship, worries related to our children, an old trauma, an addiction, and even past life wounds. 

Even though many of us have already embraced this path with Reiki practice, guidance is always welcomed in creating more awareness and openness toward deep transformation. While outside transformation is focused on symptoms and effects, the inner transformation has the potential to go inside, to the roots of any challenging situation and build a new, healthier possibility of manifestation from within. 

Pairing these two paths of transformation gives us the holistic approach to healing ourselves and the world around us from the inside out. We must learn to look inward to discover the mysteries we seek outward. A healed inner world means a healed outer world! Simple as that! 

"It's probably the most widespread and well-known form of energy healing, and so Reiki is playing a really important role in bridging the gap between spirituality and science. I know that in many hospitals now, Reiki practitioners are there giving support to doctors and nurses, so there's really an awareness and acceptance of energy healing that is growing amongst the mainstream and Reiki is at the forefront of that, I'd say. We're at that time when we're reaching a critical tipping point where more and more of the population are beginning to see that truth of our connection to the spiritual realms. And yes, I see Reiki as really leading the way as far as that's concerned." ‐ Ahtayaa Leigh 

During The Reiki Healing Summit 2019, you'll discover new insights and healing practices from 30 of the World's Leading Reiki Healers and Experts to access your Inner Light and unique gifts and share them with the world for the greatest good of us all! 


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