“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Joshua Tree is a special experience.
One time while driving through the mystical landscape looking at the creative expressions of the Joshua Trees, my wife Kia suggested that they were actually alive and dancing. She explained, though, that they could only dance when no one was looking. The second you looked they would stop dancing, but the second you looked away they would start again.
By turning our heads quickly, or glancing in the rear view mirror, we tried to catch the Joshua Trees in the act of dancing, but Kia was right. We just couldn’t catch them in the act. Nonetheless, looking at them in their stillness we could definitively make out how they had been dancing, and we found that satisfactory.
When you meditate in Joshua Tree, you realize its one of the most still and quiet places you’ve ever been. There is a gravity to it. Sitting on the Earth, it feels as if you could stay there for a good long while. Your eyes close, you turn your gaze inward and meet your Self. Your very existence becomes comfortable, easy. Resistance is gone. Analysis and judgments stop. All the seeking and searching ceases. You realize: Ah. There is nothing else to look for. I have found it here. What had been in the way?
Kia and I are heading to Joshua Tree from January 19-26, 2020, for a Recovery 2.0 transformational journey.
We will work to uncover, understand, heal and transcend those parts of ourselves that have “been in the way”.
We will have the blessing of expert therapist and teacher, Heather Monroe, who will guide us to repair the relational traumas we may have experienced. This work is so important. It can set your soul free. 
Akah and Sukhdev Jackson will be in the house performing Live as Aykanna in all our yoga classes, teaching the science of the yoga of sound and giving wisdom talks drawn from their vast personal experience leading so many into freedom.
As always, we will play, laugh, eat and celebrate our amazing recoveries and lives. AND... we will do everything we can to catch those Joshua Trees in the act of their magical dance.
I’m excited to invite you to join us for this journey. While we want to take everyone with us, we can only take a few.

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