“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Wednesday, September 26, 2018


In this episode, you’ll discover what causes gut damage, how that affects the brain and
creates mental health issues, steps you can take to prevent and reverse gut damage, how to build up and maintain a healthy gut microbiome, and how essential this is to mental health.
We’d love to have your feedback on these episodes and what your takeaways are. You can let us know by leaving your comments below the videos.
Check it out what these beautiful people shared:
"Just finished episode 2, another amazing episode." - Cindy
"I am sooooo enjoying this series , thank you Jonathan." - Sandra
"Wooowww stunning information on leaky gut. I will use it with my mom who started with a little bit of dementia. I’m supplementing her with vitamin B, Turmeric and coconut oil, as well as magnesium. I love your docu series!!! I’m chemist, biologist and pharamacist with a speciality on Processing Food and let me tell you that the more I know the more I’m against with processing food." - Silvia 
"This is wonderful information,,I have so much more hope now for a full recovery from IBS and this documentary explains why my attempts to heal were not working. Thank you Jonathan, you are a true blessing." - Jackie
"Hi Jonathan! I was so grateful for your "Autoimmune Secrets" series which I bought a few months ago! It changed everything I always thought about why I had five autoimmune disorders. I've changed my diet and am a few different supplements now. I believe that I have healed my "leaky gut" and I don't want to get back to my former bad dietary habits that caused all these maladies over the years. I will be 80 in November, am also a serious christian & love & admire both you & Lori. I'm learning a lot from this one on depression and anxiety..." - Carol (Wow Carol, what an inspiration, 80 years old & changing!)
"Thank you Jonathan for making such needed and informative documentary, we are learning to protect ourself outside of the corrupt care we live with." - Paul

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