I see it all the time. People want to write a book... but they feel blocked.
It happened to my friend Barb. A long-time survivor of Lyme Disease, she felt called to write a book that would help others with it. She had tons of empowering information to share. But she couldn't seem to take action. This went on for YEARS!
I knew she was being called to write for a reason. So I decided it was time to intervene and coach her through what was blocking her. With some gentle nudging, she admitted she didn't feel "good enough" to write a book.
Can you relate?
Here's the good news. Once you address the fears, doubts and excuses that are holding you back, it's easy to clear them away.
In fact, after our chat, Barb went home and started writing. She just sent me her finished manuscript.
It's time for YOU to say "hasta la vista, baby!" to those pesky blocks that are getting in the way of you writing your book.
In this 3-part video training you will:
- Come to know if you're meant to write a book.
- Discover what you're meant to write about.
- Release what's holding you back from taking action and sharing your writing.
- Avoid pitfalls that happen to so many writers.
- Finally feel empowered to start your book!
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