“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, April 26, 2019

Your BODY as your partner and SUBSTANCE as your partner-food, water, etc

Spend an intimate and inspirational 30 days with me as your personal daily coach live!

I will take you through processes and meditations every day for 30 days so that you can bring more love, peace, beauty, fun, connection, and joy into your daily life.
This will translate into Quantum Success, deep healing, and massive manifestations for you!
The sessions are held through a private and exclusive Facebook Live page or a private Zoom session (you choose how to connect). And you can ask me questions LIVE for extra in the moment support.
These videos will also be available for you on a private replay page. You can access them any time you need a “pick me up” or what my clients refer to as a “Christy fix”, or if you can’t join the daily practice live.
The energy is so intense right now that we need to intentionally and deliberately choose the energy we want to connect with. Get out of the fear and uncertainty with what is happening in our world.
The month of May is all about being aware, understanding and knowing that your body as a vehicle for the Divine to create through. You were Divinely designed for health and well-being, and you can command your body to do what you want it to do. We will be actually applying this in the daily meditations and processes.
We will be doing these body meditations to help you integrate this in your life.

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