“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Releasing Fear Meditation

Watch Video 2 Now
Take a moment if you’d like to re-experience the exercise from the video. This is an exercise that I do in all of my teachings. Pretty much every seminar I do has some element of this exercise, and I also deal with coaching clients, and I train my coach teachers, my coaches who are becoming coaches to use this with their clients. The beautiful thing about it is that it always works, and it’s simple—and quick! The first step is to call to mind some situation that’s troubling you. It could be a relationship issue, something financial, a physical problem, dissatisfaction with your career—maybe world politics. Now, hold that situation in your mind, and think about it. As you think about it, ask yourself this question: “What does the voice of fear say about this situation? What is fear’s advice on how to deal with this?” The voice might say something like, “You know you’re a loser. This isn’t going to work. Why do you even try? This is the story of your life.” Maybe it’s yelling at you telling you to “do the safe thing! Go back. Hide. Run.” Or maybe “Attack!” That voice of fear has all kinds of interesting things to say, none of which are true, and it’s usually founded in some kind of criticism. You’re not smart enough, you’re not worthy enough, you’re not pretty enough, you’re not mature enough, you’re too old, and so on. This voice takes many different forms, and it comes from many different angles, but it’s that same nasty, dark, critical voice that has bugged you most of your life in one form or another. 

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