“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, April 18, 2019

How to Move Beyond Suffering

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It’s important to recognize that no person, group, situation, or condition has the power to
take away your happiness. No one. No thing. Never. The experience of joy is your God-given right, a sovereign domain you alone command. “I have a kingdom I must rule” . People can try to remove your happiness. They can threaten you; criticize you; insult you; tell lies about you; try to frighten, intimidate, or punish you; and do bad things to your body. But they cannot remove your peace unless you give them that power. Your wellness is God’s factory-installed gift to you, your inalienable birthright. If anyone seems to have stolen your peace, it is because you have allowed them into your sacred sanctuary and let them plunder your treasure. “. . . it does not seem I am [my kingdom’s] king at all. It seems to triumph over me, and tell me what to think, and what to do and feel” .
We have all heard stories of people who have kept their light shining in the direst circumstances—in concentration camps; in the aftermath of atomic bombing; during natural disasters; and in the midst of economic depressions, famines, and wars. While others were fearful and suffering, certain individuals tapped into faith that transcended appearances. “I could see peace instead of this” . I saw an interview with a Tibetan Buddhist monk who had been imprisoned by the Chinese for many years. The interviewer asked him, “Were you ever in any real danger?” “Yes,” the monk answered. “Several times.” “Were those the times you were tortured?” “No, those were the moments when I became angry.” The monk defined danger not as the loss of physical freedom. He defined danger as the loss of spiritual peace. 

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