“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Webinar Funnel Formula

Back in 2005, I ran a Pilot Program for my first Product Launch Formula course.
Basically I worked closely with a small group of students to make sure they really thrived… and make sure that they had the support they needed.
The results from that first small group of students were legendary… because they had TWO big advantages - they had a head start on the rest of the industry (could you imagine getting ahold of PLF before anyone else?)… and they had personal interaction and feedback from me.
So now I’m rolling out a brand new training - it’s called Webinar Funnel Formula. And it’s only natural to do run Pilot Program with our first group of students.
So… can lightning strike twice? Will the people who go through the Pilot Program of Webinar Funnel Formula have the same incredible success as those folks back in 2005? The ones who went through the Pilot Program of PLF?
Well, I can’t promise any results.
But my entire team and I are going to pour our heart and soul into new Pilot Program students… because your success is our success. All of my business growth over all these years has come from having incredibly successful students... and then letting them tell the story of their success with my formula.
So I invite you to join this Pilot Program… this is a one-time offer, and registration is closing tomorrow (Tuesday) at midnight. 

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