“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, October 30, 2015

5 Secrets to Write a Book in a Weekend

  • Why having a book is such a great idea -- no matter what stage of business you're in. 
  • How to finally get a "real start" to your non-fiction book -- to use it as a big business card, to get speaking gigs, or just have a personal sense of satisfaction. 
  • Donna's 5-step formula for organizing your mind and your "matter" -- you'll exactly what to do when to get your book completed! 
  • In addition, find out the better choice for you: self-publishing or traditional publishing and what you should do first: an eBook or physical book. 
  • Find out the pros and cons of ePublishing over having a physical book done first. 

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