“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Join Steve Harrison and five other successful speakers

Whether you’re new to this field or an experienced pro, this free 90-minute teleseminar
will propel you to a whole new level of influence and income.  Here’s just some of what you’ll discover:
  • How to find companies and organizations who already have a budget to pay speakers like you quite handsomely – even if you’re not famous or well-known in your field.
  • Why you shouldn’t ask for less than $3,000 as a speaking fee – even if you’re a complete unknown with an ‘ordinary topic” -- and why it should often be more than that.
  • How to be well-paid  to deliver a spiritual message.
  • Five critical steps for landing speaking engagements – especially when you don’t have a lot of time to spend marketing yourself.
  • Why you don’t need a lot of fancy materials to land speaking gigs, but what you DO need to give them instead.
  • How experienced speakers can raise their fee and get it.
  • Proven ways to brand yourself and your message in a way that will prompt a flood of requests for speaking engagements.
  • Actual case histories of speakers who have gone from not knowing anything about the speaking business to making a six-figure income as paid professional speakers.
  • Specific things to do before, during and after you speak so that the audience loves you and you get invited back again and again.
  • How to use LinkedIN to get more invitations to speak.
  • What one speaker did to become Exxon Mobil’s highest-rated trainer for more than 29 years.
  • How Jack Canfield used speaking engagements to drive his brand-new book to theNew York Times Best Seller List.
  • What topics colleges and corporations are most interested in having speakers address (AND MUCH MORE!!!)

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