“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Honoring Your Calling

Rick Jarow is a professor of religion at Vassar College and an acclaimed alternative career counselor.
Most counselors will tell you that the way to find the right job for you is to make an inventory of your skills and then match them to the trends and demands of the marketplace. Yet how often does that end up providing us with truly fulfilling work? Rick teaches a radically different approach. “We are all called toward a unique expression that only we can offer to the world,” he says, “and if we do not honor that calling, our gifts may remain lost to the world forever.” In selecting this Producer’s Pick, Sounds True producer Matt Licata chose an excerpt from The Beginner’s Guide to Finding Your Perfect Job that showcases not only Rick’s wisdom for finding our purpose, but also his ability to carry us with his voice into a spacious place where we can naturally hear our unique calling.

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