“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Friday, July 28, 2017

the powerful Third Dimension of Feng Shui, the Spiritual Dimension

Spiritual feng shui is the real “secret” ingredient and adds potency to your practice of total
feng shui. You must learn to live harmoniously with all spirits in existing parallel realms for maximum feng shui results!

Many of these secrets have only recently come to us from the high lamas of Tibet who brought with them precious sacred texts and teachings that had remained hidden for centuries behind the snow-capped Himalayas. I am grateful that I am now able to pass some of this knowledge on to you. You will not find spiritual feng shui taught in this manner anywhere else!

When you study spiritual feng shui with me, you are taking your practice to the next level. This is important for you to understand. Without spiritual help, your feng shui cannot be done as successfully as you would like. During my business days in Hong Kong and in my travels throughout the world, all the top feng shui masters I have ever met have been spiritually strong! They are all great meditators and have at least one deity. They all recognize the need for spiritual strength… and you must too!

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