“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, August 11, 2016

How Ezra Firestone Generated $41,254.34 in Ecommerce Sales From $775.50 in Pinterest Ad Spend

There's huge opportunity inside for Pinterest for retailers…
There were two aspects I was especially stoked for when the ad network rolled out (as any
business owner and marketer would be). The network would be a combination of:
  1. Query based visibility (people seeing ads based on what they’ve searched — a la Google) and…
  2. Contextual visibility (people seeing ads based on demographic data points like age and gender — a la Facebook).
Unfortunately for me, Pinterest was only letting in a few fortune 500 retailers to test, so I was going to have to wait.
Disappointed as I was, it gave me time to consider the new opportunities; the eCommerce business is a long game where patience and consistency pay dividends, and I’ve been playing for a while. I remember when Google AdWords were 3 cents a click; I remember when Facebook launched and we were able to generate full price eCommerce sales for under $5 each.

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