“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, November 10, 2016

Step Out of the Busyness and Pressures of Your Life to Discover Newer, Truer Ways of Being

As women, our lives have evolved over the past couple of decades in both wonderful
and complicated ways. We seek for ourselves satisfying work, strong relationships, vibrant health, ways to make a unique and meaningful contribution to the world, and opportunities to creatively express ourselves and to be authentically who we are.
And that journey can be both amazingly satisfying and incredibly daunting.
At times, you might find yourself feeling trapped by contradictory demands, struggling to meet the needs of bosses, clients, spouses, and children (not to mention yourself!). In your tireless quest to have and be it all, you can end up exhausted, feeling unappreciated, and struggling to do it all alone.
Being everything that you’re being (and doing it consciously) takes courage. It takes a tribe. We all need the wisdom, the witnessing, and the reflection from others to fully step into this bravery and to continue down the path of creating a life that’s truly worth living.

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