“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Thursday, May 12, 2016

How to Attract Your Goals on Autopilot

If you’re participating in this summit, it’s probably because something inside of you knows
that you deserve more. You may already have big dreams and goals. Yet those same dreams and goals can sometimes feel heavy, overwhelming, and even exhausting. What if you could get clear on what you want and then attract your goals on autopilot? That is what hypnotherapist and coach Joseph Clough is here to teach you. He discusses the importance of taking responsibility for your dreams and deciding not to buy in to negative ideas about what you can or can’t achieve. By taking ownership of your life, you can get your power back—and both your thoughts and actions are equally important parts of this process. Joseph shares how to bring your mind and body in sync so the world conspires in your favor, and he explains how to deal with obstacles, what to do when reaching your goal is taking longer than expected, and whether or not it’s important to have a specific strategy in place. He also explains why hypnosis is a great tool for reconnecting with your body and becoming consciously and unconsciously aligned with your goals. With these tried-and-tested techniques, you really can build the life you want!

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