“I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” — Jay Z


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Masterclass with Christie Marie Sheldon

  • Abundance Blocks are the subconscious barriers that prevent you from manifesting wealth. Learn more about what they are, why they exist, and which ones could be sabotaging YOU.
  • Most energy healers would never share their methodology, but Christie believes you deserve the truth. Discover exactly how it’s possible to remove your Abundance Blocks by using a special technique called Energy Clearing.
  • An exhilarating online group experience. As you listen in at home, Christie will use her gift to remotely access your energy field and enhance its natural wealth attraction ability just in time for the new year. All you need to do is sit back and relax.
  • How much money would you be making TODAY if you had already overcome all your Abundance Blocks? Here Christie gives you a simple yet eye-opening abundance calculator that you can use to instantly see how close (or far) you are to being financially healthy.
  • What can happen when you remove your Abundance Blocks? Here Christie will share a few real-life stories from past participants of this energy clearing session. You’ll be inspired, and you’ll understand that no matter who you are or where you come from, unlimited abundance is just a mindshift away.
  • If you’re curious or skeptical about the power of energy clearing, this section is for you. Personal growth icon Vishen Lakhiani will ask Christie a series of piercing questions on Abundance Blocks, removing them, and whether it’s really possible to influence a person’s energy field through the internet.

  • http://www.unlimitedabundance.com/products-new/online-training/thank-you?GeoTrackRe_127=&WebinarTim_303=pst&afft_=&contact_id=&country=&current_url=&email=shutaleva%40gmail.com&firstname=Zhanna&oemail=shutaleva%40gmail.com&own_=&ref_=&reserve%20spot=1&sess_=&signupday_333=tuesday&smartform=1&state=&uid=p2c1539f1729

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